Monday, April 2, 2012

Don't have 'em saying that you fell off!! Get it glamming STAT! for the spring.. skin first.

Finally spring is here! It seems warm weather is instantly mood altering. The drag in the ass picked up due to hazy, cold winter days finally lifts.. It's no longer fading to dark as the school bus drops the kids off.. And finally we can show a little skin without that extra layer for warmth.

I must admit though, that this spring has caught me off a little bit. I noticed I was behind in my upkeep when I ran for a pedi and was embarrassed by my prickly shins. I'm checking the shins next to me and everyone else is smooth.. Ummm, I've been keeping up ever since!

The winter always does a number on my already dry skin so my process has to be skin deep not just exterior. In case you need a lil' push to get it ALL together here a few tips to get your skin and look back to life.


Get all the impurities out of your skin with a nice soak in the bath.
The Mix-   3/4 cup Epsom Salt   1/2 cup Sea Salt     1/4 cup Baking Soda
I've even given my son a 20 minute soak in this post winter potion! It's relaxing and your skin will feel squeaky clean!

combat funky breakouts with this citrus trick

If you're prone to breakouts on the body, in places like the chest, shoulders and back, get control of it now!!! With a citrus bath.
  1. Roll 3 oranges on a cutting board or counter to get the juices going. Slice it. Drop the orange slices into your bath water.
  2. Add a few drops of peppermint oil (available at most drug stores).
  3. Add dried mint leaves
  4. Soak for about 20-30 minutes
Orange is a natural astringent and will keep oily, pimple prone areas clear.
Peppermint oil moisturizes without over doing it.
Mint leaves give off relaxing and energizing aromatherapy.

Add a nice Billie Holiday, bluesy playlist and you're good!

Exfoliate!! It really makes a difference!
For the face I love Kiehl's Pineapple Papaya Facial Scrub! It will leave your skin glooooowwwwinggg. It's all in the Papaya!

*Remember- don't go nuts applying extra pressure to your exfoliating.. let it do, what it do! If you over exfoliate you can irritate the skin.. which is a whole new problem, be gentle and repeat 2-3x's per week... At night.. Don't be lazy!
Exfoliating will make your skin absorb moisturizers better and provides a nice canvas for makeup!

Don't forget about the body and feet!
Try something like the Lemon + Sage Body Scrub by Bliss.. I love the smell of this in the morning! Wakes you up without being over powering, and it hydrates as it sloughs off dead skin.. you'll want to use this everyday! Oh, and no worries the lemon scent will not conflict with any of your following fragrances.
Oh and for the footsies... grab a natural pumice stone and go to work at least once a week. especially if you're trooping in a pair of heels throughout your week! That can do a number on your heels if you're not careful.

Pssstt.. here's one more thing..Try an Airbrush Tan! 
Me: Spraying @ the trends lounge during NYFW '12

Yes, no matter what your complexion is.. everyone can benefit from a good Airbrush Tan. You have to try it! It's the best thing to give your skin the glow that only the summer can give.. Tamar Braxton once referred to the glow that 'halo' around Jesus (funny). It is practicing Safe Sun so there's no guilt there and if you try upping the ante and getting a double spray on the legs.. you'll feel extra confident showing a little leg at the break of warm weather. I actually sprayed my super skeptical, sun-loving friend, who is actually... hmm Naomi Campbell's complexion and I think she wanted  to run off and drink the solution.. She loved it, because it gave her that glow that you wait all summer long to see!
   1. You have to exfoliate first

   2. Research your place of choice to make sure the solution will be customized and natural

My Suggestion: Try Suvara (sorry, NY only), because they're solution is all natural, vitamin packed and will be customized to a perfect golden or bronze.. whatever your preference.

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