Friday, July 20, 2012

Find your Chi with Yoga

There was a time when I would start every day with Yoga. 
Even when I was pregnant with my son Aaqil, I'd still get my Yoga on.
I remember, toward the end of my pregnancy, it was the only thing that reminded me that I still had some control over my body.

It helped for me to take that time to re-focus my energy for the day.
All the negativity or tension from the night or moment before would release and I would feel NEW.
Sometimes we forget, to literally, get our minds right before hitting the world or calling it a night.

Over the years I've replaced some  most of those am sessions with a good cup of coffee. Sure, it holds the comfort of eyes wide shut. But it's not the same.

Try adding it to your mornings or nights (even mid-day) for a week and see why its the best form of meditational stretch.
less stress..
better outlook..
better days..
better rest..
better sex..
you'll be more focused.

These links are a good start:

Yoga 101

7 Life Improving Benefits of Yoga

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